Monday, March 26, 2012

Stepping Out

Well, here we go.  My first blog attempt.

A few days ago I was with a friend who sold me to the idea of blogging.  I always considered starting a blog, but I was a bit nervous about it.  Lately I have been starting to step out of my comfort zone and try new things.  I started a twitter account (crmanak) last semester but did not get into it until about 2 months ago.  I have discovered that I really like it.  Instagram has been a new part of my life as well.  Sharing pictures of things I like or of things that are important to me has become a daily routine.  I Instagram more than I twitter or Facebook.

My mother is always telling me that stepping out of your comfort zone helps you grow as a person. I am beginning to realize that this is true.  I wrote my first article for the college newspaper (The Beacon) this past weekend (that was nerve-wracking, let me tell you!).  I have begun to meet so many more people this semester because I am willing to step out of my shell and become more social.  My leadership position on SALT has helped me with this a lot this year as well.  I don't doubt my decisions or myself as often as I previously did because of this position.

Last year I had doubts about staying at Roberts, but I have come to the realization that I am supposed to be here to impact this campus in some way.  Even if it is in the smallest way possible.  I love this place.  Roberts has become a home that I love.  Two years from now I will be getting ready to graduate.  Honestly, I don't know how I am going to leave this place.  I can't imagine NOT being here anymore.  This place has helped me grow so much as a person that I don't ever want to let go of it.

The best lesson I have learned so far in my college career is to overcome your fears.  I am no longer afraid of expressing my ideas and thoughts.  I am not longer afraid of what people think.
I am no longer afraid.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I can't wait to read more of your blog (:

