Sunday, September 9, 2012


Why must we go to college?  Why is it that society "strongly encourages" young people to go to college?  They say these will be the best years of our lives.  How is that possible when all we do is study?  We barely have time to get off campus most days, and when we can, we don't have money.  So could someone please tell me why we must go to school? 

Everyone puts pressure on us to have things "figured out" and to have an exact plan for your life.  We are too young for this!! We hear two different things, "these are the best years of your life so make the most of it" and "you better figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life."  How can you possibly expect us to do both.  We are still trying to live on our own and figure out who we are as individuals. 

Don't get me wrong, I like getting an education, but I would much rather have a bit more time to go to a coffee shop in the city with some friends and not have to worry about what I am going to do in 2 years.  We don't need that extra pressure on us...not yet anyway, because after college it is the real world and there is no going back.  We can never live these days again.